Community Events Calendar

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


EVENTURE SOLUTIONS are currently casting a presenter for the BMW 7 Series Launch that is being produced in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. They originally wanted to use the same presenter in all 3 cities but are now toying with the idea of using a Male, Asian (Chinese) presenter who speaks Cantonese and English, for the Vancouver portion, acknowledging the large Chinese population and being aware that there could be groups through who would be more comfortable learning about the car in Cantonese. They are searching in Toronto/Montreal for a 'George Clooney' type... handsome, stylish, well-spoken, successful, 40ish-50 and I assume they are hoping for an Asian counterpart. They may go a bit younger if the candidate has all the other attributes.

The launch is February 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 (with that final day as a
Press Launch - will have to check if presenter is required).
Also, there may be some sort of a BMW training session prior to that and a run-through on the 18th. I believe each session consists of a 5-minute speech given to the guests, introducing them to the car and all it's wonderful features while the presenter walks around pointing out the features... and may or may not include Q&A (There will be BMW people there who will probably field the questions). They are looking for someone to feel as if they work for BMW, and would be the type to drive the car! Feel free to check it out at (click on the menu to link to Canada and click on 7 series).

If you know of anyone that you might think fits the above specs. and would be available and qualified, or if you can direct me to anyone you might think could be of assistance, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you,
Dana Berr