Canadian Filmmakers are invited to submit their work for the 2nd Annual Filmmakers Showcase presented by Shaw Multicultural Channel and explorASIAN
Filmmakers telling stories that explore Asian-Canadian culture are invited to submit full-length or short films to the 2009 Filmmakers Showcase. Selected films will air on Shaw Multicultural Channel in May 2009 in celebration of Asian Heritage Month.
The Filmmakers Showcase will accept independently-produced films and videos by Asian-Canadian artists, or films and videos that explore Asian-Canadian themes.
Submission Deadline
The submission deadline is Friday January 30, 2009.
Entry Fees
There is no entry fee for submissions to the Filmmakers Showcase, but entrants are responsible for any courier costs involved in the transport, delivery and return of their materials.
Submission Materials
Acceptable formats for preview screeners are: VHS, DVD, Betacam SP, DVCam (NTSC formats only)
Acceptable formats for airing copies are: Betacam SP, DVCam (see below)
Tapes or DVDs must be labeled with film title, confirmed total running time, contact name, current address, phone, and email address.
Please include with your entry:
*Confirmation of clearance of all copyright, performing rights and mechanical reproduction rights for the film
Film synopsis (approximately 100 words)
Film images (high resolution electronic images 300 dpi in CD or DVD format)
Cast and crew list
CVs and photos for key creative personnel
Copies of any publicity associated with the production (awards, screenings, reviews)
*Important notice regarding copyright/ airing rights: If the copyright/ airing rights for the film are held by a third party, it is the filmmakers' responsibility to coordinate the rights with the copyright-holder and submit the film selection with the airing rights pre-cleared.
If you would like your submission materials to be returned following the review process, please include a stamped self-addressed envelope as part of your submission.
Selection Notification
Filmmakers will be advised of the selection of their work for the 2009 Filmmakers Showcase by Friday February 27, 2009.
Selected filmmakers may be asked to participate in print and televised promotions for the 2009 Filmmakers Showcase, and may be asked at that time to confirm their availability for these promotions.
Airing Copies
Upon confirmation that the film has been selected, the filmmaker must provide to Shaw no later than Friday March 13, 2009, a master broadcast copy of the film for packaging. This master copy will be returned to the filmmaker following the airing of the 2009 Filmmakers Showcase.
Shipping Address
Please mail, courier or deliver your submission materials to:
Shaw Multicultural Channel
Attention: 2009 Filmmakers Showcase Submissions
Shaw Cablesystems
900 - 1067 West Cordova Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3T5
(for hand-deliveries, please come to the 9th floor Reception, weekdays 8 am - 5 pm)
We'd love to hear from you!
Contact us at
or directly at:
Sandra Murphy
604.629.3109 or
Norman Wong
604.629.3347 or