Community Events Calendar

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The City of Bhangra Art Exhibit

Experience the art of Bhangra on canvas at the Art + Soul Gallery. "The Lost Art of Bollywood Movie Posters – Revived" exhibit will showcase aspects of the Indian culture through the eyes of the artist. The artists will create their own vintage Bollywood movie posters highlighting a piece of the past or present in the same manner that drew moviegoers to the cinemas. The spirit of Bhangra will be interpreted and evoked in vibrant displays using acrylic and oil paint, pencil drawings and sculpture. Curated by Ravi Gill.

Artists Include:
- Manjot Bains
- Pauline Basi
- Jon & Tomoki Gomez
- Elena Ilku
- Sakino Sepulveda
- Raman Singh

When: February 1 – 28
Where: Art + Soul Gallery, 1277 Robson St.
Free Event. Open Daily.

For more information visit