Wednesday & Thursday 4 – 5 March
C.K. Choi Building Conference Room #120
1855 West Mall, UBC
“Indonesia’s Urban Future: Directing Urban Change”
Ten years have passed since the fall of the New Order and a sense of hope and concern has developed in regard to how things have changed since 1998. Starting from the idea that the city is an “act of will,” this workshop aims to contribute to an understanding of the post-Suharto era in at least two ways: by focusing on the attempts of social groups to represent and transform the city, and by examining the role such attempts play in the formation of social identities. What kinds of visionary ideas, influential programs and activism have been set in motion for the city? According to what rationalities are they put into play? Who was enabled and disabled by the urban programs? This workshop brings together prominent urban scholars from Indonesia, Canada and the US in the purpose of sharing ideas and perspectives, and working toward articulating an understanding of what the future holds for the continuing urbanization of Indonesia.
WEDNESDAY, March 4, 2009:
4:00-5:30pm: "Street Tales from Jakarta": Documentary films from Jakarta Arts Council and the Goethe Institute (with English Subtitles)
THURSDAY, March 5, 2009:
[8:30-8:45am: Refreshments/Coffee]
8:45-9:00am: Welcome Remarks:Mr. E. Wibanarto, Acting Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Vancouver
9:00-10:30am: Keynote Address: "Competing Visions: Planning the Megacity of Jakarta."
Christopher Silver, Dean of College of Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida. Editor of Journal of Planning History and author of Planning the Mega City: Jakarta in the Twentieth Century (Routledge, 2008)
[10:30-10:45am: Coffee break]
10:45am-12:15pm: Presentations from the Office of the Governor of Jakarta
M. Suhadyoko, Urban Spatial Management Department (Dinas Tata Ruang) Priyadi Priyautama Ignatius, (Regional Development Planning Board – Bappeda DKI Jakarta)
[12:15-1:30pm: Lunch]
1:30-3:00pm: Session I: Chair and Discussant: Terry McGee (Geography, UBC)
Thematic Panel: Informal Settlements and Evictions
[3:00-3:15pm: Coffee Break]
3:15-4:45pm: Session II: Chair and Discussant: John Friedmann (Community and Regional Planning, UBC)
Thematic Panel: Cities and Citizenship
[4:45-5:00pm: Coffee Break]
5:00-6:30: Session III: Chair and Discussant: Michael Leaf (Community and Regional Planning, UBC)
Thematic Panel: Sustainability
Panelists for all the Sessions above:
Wardah Hafidz, Chief Coordinator of the Urban Poor Consortium (UPC) and Winner of 2005 Gwangju Human Rights Award, and 2008 Dubai Best Practice Award
Jo Santoso, Chair of the Graduate Program in Real Estate and Urban Development and Director of the Center for Metropolitan Studies, University of Tarumanagara, Jakarta. Dr. Santoso was project manager for Bumi Serpong Damai, Lippo Karawaci, and Bukit Semarang Baru. Recent publication includes Menyiasati Kota tanpa Warga (Strategies for the City without Citizens) (Gramedia, 2006) and Arsitektur-Kota Jawa: Kosmos, Kultur dan Kuasa (Javanes Urban Architecture: Cosmos, Culture and Power) (Centropolis, 2008).
Marco Kusumawijaya, Chair of Jakarta Arts Council; Founder of the Green Map Indonesia; and Board Member of Indonesian Heritage Trust; Authors of Jakarta Metropolis Tunggang Langgang (The Runaway Metropolis) (Gagas Media, 2004); Kota Rumah Kita (Our City House) (Borneo, 2006)