Start Time: Thursday, March 5, 2009 at 11:00am
End Time: Friday, March 6, 2009 at 5:00pm
Location: SUB rm 214, 216 @UBC
City/Town: Vancouver, BC
for more info, check out Join in on our *FREE* Unconference
a two day event that consists of six workshops facilitated by our student members. Each workshop tackles a different topic that affects the Asian Canadian community.
- no sign up required!
- Pop in ANY time! attend any of the topics *mentioned below*
- Food and refreshments will be provided, complimentary of ACCO ;)
March 5th, 2009 – Day 1
Opening - 11 am to 11:30 am
Workshop 1 - 11:30 am to 12:50 pm SUB 214
Asian Women are Sooo Exotic
This workshop will open up a nice girly flow of conversation pertaining to the cultural and sexual stereotypes of Asian women in the West. Topics to be addressed include: media representation, family and cultural upbringing, and, sexuality and identity. Led by UBC student Crystal Tai, we invite you to join us in breaking down some of the misnomers that affect Asian women, and help us come up with different ways to counter such misconceptions.
Workshop 2 - 1:00 pm to 2:20pm SUB 214
Asian Man, Take a Stand! Reframing the Angry Asian Man Experience
Are you angry? Asian? Join UBC Students Kenji Shimizu and Mark Lee on a journey of self-discovery. From media portrayals to interracial dating, explore the causes of the angry Asian man phenomenon and discuss practical methods to grow and overcome these problems. Women, non-Asians and the non-angry are also welcome!
Workshop 3 - 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm SUB 214
New versus Old: Conflicts between Immigrants and Canadian-Born Asians
Have you ever wondered where your Asian parent is coming from? Or pondered about what your immigrant and Canadian-Born Asian peers think about one another? UBC student Andrea Chan will explore the culture and value differences between Asian immigrants and CBAs. This workshop will discuss social interactions, thoughts and feelings between those new to Canada and those that are born in Canada and have thus been accustomed to Western culture.
March 6th, 2009– Day 2
Workshop 4 - 12:00 pm to 1:20 pm SUB 214
Drugs, Gangs, and Asian Youth Culture
With the rise of gang-related crimes in the Lower Mainland, the street gang lifestyle has been increasingly associated with Asian Canadians. Police-raided grow-ops have also indicated that Asians own a fair share of these illegal operations. Are these statements a fair assessment? Are Asians really more prone to joining gangs and dealing drugs? UBC students Narith Heng and Angela Wong will lead a workshop examining the association of drugs and gangs with Asian Canadian youths and the social and political consequences it has on the Asian Canadian community.
Workshop 5 - 1:30 pm to 2:50 pm SUB 214
Prudes! Nymphos! Asians?
Ideas of Sex in an Asian Canadian Mindset
Did you grow up in a traditional Asian household where sex was a taboo subject? Did you learn about sex through other outlets besides your parents? Are Asian women really better in bed? Do Asian men make bad lovers? UBC students Angela Wong and Crystal Tai will explore traditional Asian concepts of sex and how the younger Asian Canadian generation bridge traditional and western concepts of sex. Ideas of sexual stereotypes associated with Asians and the implications for Asian Canadians will also be examined.
Workshop 6 - 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm SUB 214
The Rise of Canadian-Born Asian (CBA) Culture
In the vibrant and dynamic multicultural city of Vancouver, you can hardly take one step outside without noticing this relatively new phenomenon: Canadian-Born Asian culture. Bubble tea at the movies, Korean Supermarkets in downtown, Anime Conventions attracting thousands of participants and Bollywood movies rapidly gaining a surprising audience: When did it start and how did it become such a ubiquitous and uniquely "Canadian" culture? In this interactive and thought-provoking workshop, UBC students and CBA connoisseurs Rainie Tian and Kristina Chang will take you through the rise of CBA culture in Vancouver and discuss its social, economic, and political implications.
4:30 - 5:00 pm - Closing